USASF Suggests Major Changes for the 2023-2024 Season

by TheCheerBuzz
maryland twisters f5 at the cheerleading worlds 2016 photo by snapped by Becca clark

The USASF recently announced some major possible changes for the 2023-2024 season, and it has caused quite a stir in the cheerleading world.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at these changes and what they mean for athletes and teams. Keep reading to learn more!

Two major changes

The USASF (learn what it is here) held a webinar for members only, talking about changes for the 2023-2024 season.

There were several changes, but two of them stood out:

  • the removal of Senior Open level 6 divisions
  • that athletes on International/Open teams must be 18+ years old

⚠️ First of all, it doesn’t seem that the changes are final yet. Previously, changes have been suggested & later adjusted based on feedback from the cheer world. 

1. Removing Senior Open 6 divisions

This suggests completely removing the senior open (Senior Open, Senior Open Small Coed & Senior Open Large Coed) divisions for level 6 teams. 

Teams in open divisions will have to move either to International Open divisions (which will be 18+, more details later) or Senior divisions (up to 19 years old).

U.S. teams currently competing in open divisions include Cheer Athletics Wildcats, Top Gun Revelation, Maryland Twisters F5, Woodlands Elite Generals, Spirit of Texas Reign, Cheer Extreme SMOEX, The California Allstars Aces & of course many, many more.

2. 18+ on International/Open teams

This would require ALL athletes on Senior Open (levels 4-5) and International Open (levels 6-7) teams to be over 18 years old.

Today, most Open/International Open Worlds divisions allow for athletes of 14 years and older. The divisions have no maximum age limit, meaning other athletes on the same team can be as old as they want.

Considering that the divisions have no maximum age limit, this is likely meant to separate athletes of adult age from younger athletes…

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Cover photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

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