The “introducing:” series is where we showcase underrated teams & gyms that do something unique, have crazy skills, or anything else that we think needs more attention! Want to read some of our other interviews? Click here to see all we have published so far!
River City Allstars Extra Small Senior level 6 team – Lady Sizzle, is the first team to be featured.
The newspaper
This team was first brought to our attention when we saw a photo of their very unique routine prop. The team used a newspaper in the routine – something we had never seen before!
What made the use of a newspaper even more creative was the meaning of the text on it:
“The text on the newspaper last year said “EXTRA EXTRA”! We chose that theme because we were so excited for the new “extra” small division they added at Worlds last year. Plus, Lady Sizzle is ALWAYS a little bit extra! 😉” – Lady Sizzle

They also had news-themed practice wear and music that went along with the theme!
Want to see more routines with different types of props? Check out this list:
New villain theme
The teams’ 2018 season included a 4th place at UCA, but Worlds didn’t turn out as they had hoped. They had some mistakes on day 1 and didn’t advance to Semi-Finals.
What happened then? They turned their outcome of the season into a theme for the 2018-2019 season and we’re absolutely obsessed with it!
“Last year we had such HIGH hopes and things didn’t turn out as planned, so this year we are coming back as Villains! Our prop this season is a villain cape that a couple of our girls tumble out of. Our theme is “Sizzlerella” and we are back with a vengeance and hoping to make it into the Finals at worlds for the first time in our program’s history. ❤️”

How cool?!
Follow the team
Don’t forget to follow them on Instagram (@rca_ladysizzle) because this is truly a team to remember!
Do you know a team that our next article should be about? Send us an email or comment below.