10 Basic & Rare Flyer Body Positions in Cheerleading (With Pictures!)

by TheCheerBuzz
the California allstars sparkle cheer worlds 2017

Performing different body positions is an important part of being a flyer in cheerleading. These positions, when executed correctly and with proper technique, not only showcase the flyer’s skills but can also contribute to the team’s overall score. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced flyer, mastering different body positions is an essential part of your job.

An exciting fact is that all body positions can be performed on all levels of cheerleading. Body positions are not tied to a specific level, meaning you can see flyers on any level performing all kinds of impressive positions!

Learn more about the levels in allstar cheerleading here: The Cheerleading Level 1-7 System Explained – Skill Types & Differences

Here’s a list of some of the most basic body positions, as well as more unusual ones:

Note: The names used for different body positions may vary.

Basic body positions

The following body positions are commonly seen in most cheerleading routines, across all levels. But don’t be fooled…

Even the most basic positions may appear effortless, but behind the scenes, they require a combination of flexibility, strength, technique, control, and balance. It takes a dedicated athlete to achieve the level of skill and precision needed to execute these positions!

1. Arabesque

cheer extreme SSX at the cheerleading worlds 2016, flyers performing arabesque body position
Cheer Extreme SSX at The Cheerleading Worlds 2016. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

2. Heel stretch

the California all stars black ops at NCA Nationals, flyer performing a heel stretch
The California All Stars Black Ops at NCA Nationals. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

3. Bow and arrow

top gun allstars cheerleading team, flyer performing a bow and arrow
Top Gun All Stars. Photo: Front Row Cheer Photos

4. Scale

cheerleading flyers from woodlands elite black ops and the California allstars classics performing the scale body position
Woodlands Elite Black Ops & The California All Stars Classics. Photos: Snapped by Becca Clark

5. Scorpion

scorpion body position in cheerleading, Viqueens Spirit (Norway) at The Cheerleading Worlds
Viqueens Spirit (Norway) at The Cheerleading Worlds. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

6. Needle

needle body position in cheerleading, at the Desert Storm Elite showcase
Desert Storm Elite showcase. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

Are you working on getting your needle? Did you know that in order to pull a proper needle, you have to be able to do these two stretches: 2 Stretches You Must Master to Get a Needle

Rare body positions

The following body positions are typically not seen performed in routines as often as the previously listed ones.

In general, these rare positions can be even more difficult to master and require more training, pushing the boundaries of what is humanly possible!

7. “Chin chin”

the "chin chin" body position in cheerleading, done by a flyer from Flip City Allstars (now Cheer Extreme Florida)
Flip City Allstars (now Cheer Extreme Florida). Photo: Front Row Cheer Photos

8. Broken needle

USA Starz Cheer at Disney's All-Star Sports Resort football field. the flyer if performing a "broken needle" body position
USA Starz Cheer at Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort football field. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

9. Paperclip

flyers from Legends Cheer Academy and Maryland Twisters F5 (kelcie burch) performing the paperclip body position
Left: Legends Cheer Academy, photo: Front Row Cheer Photos. Right: Maryland Twisters F5

10. Free stretch

The California All Stars Sparkle at The Cheerleading Worlds 2017, flyers doing a "free stretch" body position
The California All Stars Sparkle at The Cheerleading Worlds 2017. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

Get creative!

Since there are no level limitations regarding body positions, you can get creative and incorporate them in different creative ways in routines (while being careful and staying safe of course). They don’t even have to be performed in a stunt and can be used to create creative transitions, choreography, and unforgettable routine moments.

For example, have a look at the pyramid that Cheer Athletics Cheetahs performed in 2016, with flyers “flying through” other flyers’ scorpions:

Cheer Athletics Cheetahs pyramid at The Cheerleading Worlds 2016
Cheer Athletics Cheetahs pyramid at Worlds 2016. Photo: Snapped by Becca Clark

Watch the whole pyramid here:

Want to learn more about cheerleading stunts?

Here are some other resources you might like:

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1 comment

Mallie July 28, 2023 - 05:19

Wow! This girls are so flexible and talented! It’s So impressive! Can you do a stretching session thing for flyers back flexibility? I struggle with that and balance.


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